International Relations

The Parliament of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana holds membership in prominent international parliamentary organisations. They are:

  • The Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU)
  • The Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
  • ParlAmericas
  • The Amazonian parliament (PARLAMAZ)
  • Parliamentary Union of the OIC Member States (PUIC)

As a member of these bodies, Guyana benefits from discussions on matters of parliamentary importance, which aid in advancing democratic principles as well as the work of parliamentarians and parliamentary staff. Guyana contributes to these organisations by sharing knowledge and experience of the best practices of its legislature. This is accomplished through the participation of Members of Parliament and parliamentary staff, whether physically or virtually, in various conferences, seminars and workshops hosted by these bodies in collaboration with member Parliaments. These meetings are mainly held in different countries, where diverse cultures can be presented and appreciated.

Additionally, Guyana holds executive and other membership on critical boards and committees of these international organisations.

  1. Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU)

The IPU is a global parliamentary organisation of 179 national parliaments. The Union’s pillars are peace, human rights, gender equality, youth empowerment and sustainable development, which are facilitated through political dialogue, cooperation and parliamentary action. The IPU promotes democratic governance, institutions and values, working with parliaments and parliamentarians to articulate and respond to the needs and aspirations of citizens.

The IPU established six (6) geopolitical groups which play an important role in its functions. These groups prepare and coordinate positions on key issues on the agenda at each Assembly, review vacancies on our committees and groups, consult among their members and propose candidates. This enables the IPU to ensure fair representation of all parts of the world within IPU. These groups are as follows:

  1. Africa;
  2. the Arab World;
  3. Asia-Pacific;
  4. Eurasia
  5. Latin America and the Caribbean; and
  6. the “Twelve-Plus” group.

The National Assembly of the Parliament of Guyana became a member of the Inter-Parliamentary Union by way of Resolution No. 26 of 2016, and has its place in the Latin America and the Caribbean group.


The following represent the IPU Membership of the National Assembly of the Parliament of Guyana:

  • Hon. Manzoor Nadir, Speaker of the National Assembly – Co-chair of the Parliamentary Conference on the World Trade Organisation (PCWTO)
  • Hon. Dr. Vindhya Persaud, Minister of Human Services and Social Security – Bureau of Forum of Women Parliamentarians
  • Hon. Savitri Sonia Parag, Minister of the Public Service – Standing Committee on Sustainable Development

Governing Council Membership

Hon. Manzoor Nadir, Speaker of the National Assembly; Hon. Mohabir Anil Nandlall, Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs; and Hon. Dawn Hastings-Williams, M.P., are Members of the Governing Council of the IPU.

  • Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)

The Commonwealth Parliamentary Association is one of the oldest established organisations in the Commonwealth. Founded in 1911, it brings together Members, irrespective of gender, race, religion or culture, who are united by community of interest, respect for the rule of law and individual rights and freedoms, and by the pursuit of the positive ideals of parliamentary democracy. The Association is made up of over 180 legislatures (Branches) grouped into nine geographic regions of the Commonwealth. The Parliament of Guyana is among members of the Caribbean, Atlantic and Americas geographic region.

The CPA offers a vast opportunity for parliamentarians and parliamentary staff to collaborate on issues of mutual interest and to share good practices. It employs a number of approaches which are specifically targeted at Parliamentarians, some of which are: online courses, workshops, webinars, conferences and the development of publications, toolkits and handbooks. Its work is focused on parliamentary practice and procedure, but the Association has a number of cross-cutting themes on subjects ranging from COVID-19 to the Sustainable Development Goals.

The Parliament of Guyana has a seat on the Executive Committee of the Caribbean, Americas and Atlantic Region of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association.

  • ParlAmericas

ParlAmericas is an institution which promotes parliamentary diplomacy in the Inter-American system. Composed of 35 national legislatures, ParlAmericas is managed by and for Parliamentarians. It is governed by a Board of Directors, which is currently composed of 22 members who represent 18 national Parliaments from North, Central, and South America, and the Caribbean. Hon. Manzoor Nadir, M.P., Speaker of the National Assembly, is a Member on the Board of Directors of ParlAmericas.

The work of ParlAmericas is divided into three Parliamentary Networks: Gender Equality, Open Parliament and Climate Change.

  • The Amazonian Parliament (PARLAMAZ)

The Amazonian Parliament (PARLAMAZ) is a body that brings together representatives of the national Parliaments of the eight countries of the Amazon – Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Peru, Suriname and Venezuela.

This organisation is internationally recognized within its member countries and in the international environment as a reference in regional cooperation, discussions and positions on topics of the international agenda related to the Amazon, and sharing experiences, guided by the principles of full sovereignty, respect and harmony with nature, integral sustainable development and reducing asymmetries between the nations of the region.

The following Members of the Parliament of Guyana are representatives on this body:

  • Hon. Brigadier (Ret’d) Mark Anthony Phillips, Prime Minister of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana;
  • Hon. Susan M. Rodrigues., Minister within the Ministry of Housing and Water;
  • Hon. Deodat Indar., Minister within the Ministry of Public Works;
  • Hon. Aubrey Norton, Leader of the Opposition; and
  • Hon. Khemraj Ramjattan.
  • Parliamentary Union of the OIC Member States (PUIC)

The Parliamentary Union of the OIC Member States (PUIC) was established on 17th June, 1999. The Union comprises of Parliaments of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Member States and has a membership of 54 Parliaments.

The Union aims at achieving the following objectives:

  • Introducing the sublime precepts of Islam and seeking to disseminate them while emphasising the various characteristics and humanism of the Islamic civilization;
  • Enhancing and supporting the implementation of the Islamic principle of consultation (Shoora) in all OIC Member States, in accordance with the Constitution and circumstances of each member;
  • Providing a framework for comprehensive and fruitful cooperation and coordination among Parliaments of OIC members in international fora and organisations;
  • Promoting meeting and dialogue among Parliaments of OIC members and their deputies, exchanging parliamentary experience, discussing economic, cultural, social and political issues of interest to the OIC members, and addressing grave challenges and attempts to impose cultural, political and economic domination, and adopting appropriate recommendations and decisions on such issues;
  • Strengthening contacts, cooperation and coordination with other parliamentary, governmental and non-governmental organisations, with the aim of advancing common objectives;
  • Fostering coordination among peoples of the world in order to respect and defend human rights and humanitarian principles and establish peace, based on justice; and
  • Confirming that nothing in the present Statute shall authorise the Union or its Organs to intervene in matters which are essentially within the domestic jurisdiction of any Member State and whatever is related to these matters in accordance with the OIC Charter and UN Charter.

The Parliament of Guyana continues to promote Guyana on the global parliamentary stage and remains one of the leading Parliaments in the Caribbean.